10 Ways to SERIOUSLY Ruin Your Disney Vacation

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Read 10 Ways to SERIOUSLY Ruin Your Disney Vacation before going on your magical vacation and beware!

10 Ways to SERIOUSLY Ruin Your Disney Vacation

A vacation to the “most magical place on earth” is supposed to be fun and exciting for everyone in your party but, it can become a complete nightmare of sorts, but only if we let it. The nightmare of it all can be completely derailed with proper planning and awareness.

10 Ways to Seriously Ruin Your Disney Vacation

If we come determined to have fun, go with the flow and expect to have unexpected circumstances, our vacation will go a lot smoother. Here are a few things you should avoid so you don’t totally ruin your magical vacation:

  1. Getting angry with cast members: Honestly, cast members are trained to do everything in their power to HELP you. But the keywords being: IN THEIR POWER. Come on people, it’s just like anywhere else. If you are rude, expect a little push back. I have never seen a cast member be outright rude to a customer (even when I probably would have been) although I am sure it has happened. Don’t be mean, people! Just don’t! Use your manners. There is only so much that they can do and think about it. Do you really think they will want to go the extra mile if you are being rude? If you are nasty enough, it could even get you kicked out of the park. So don’t, just don’t!
  2. Jumping the chains or ropes: This is a huge No-No! 1. They are put there for a reason. 2. It could result in injury. Again, don’t, just DON’T!
  3. Trying to cheat and let your child get on a ride even when they aren’t tall enough: Even though you MAY get past the cast member, it’s still not safe. No parent wants to intentionally harm their child, but if you try to cheat the system, you ARE putting your child in harm’s way if you do this. These rules are set into place for a reason: your child’s safety. Your child can be harmed externally, as well as internally if this rule is not followed. So, do all of us a favor and just DON’T do it! When in doubt, go HERE and check out this printable I made just for you!
  4. Wearing uncomfortable shoes: I am all about comfort, especially at Disney. Don’t ruin your vacation by having blisters on your feet. Always break in your shoes before you go and make sure you can walk miles upon miles in these shoes. Nothing is worse than your feet hurting in the “happiest place on earth.”
  5. Not listening to Cast Members: Again, rules and Cast Members are put in place for a reason. A place as big as Disney needs to have order. Follow the rules and everyone will have a great time. Don’t follow rules and you could get yourself kicked out of the Park all together.
  6. Getting mad at the people you came with: Dude, hey I’ve been there, seriously been there! But, it’s not fun, AT ALL! And, might I add, not worth it! I know you want your vacation “magical” and perfect BUT…… Newsflash, it WILL NOT be perfect. Magical, yes. Perfect, no! Don’t sweat the small stuff! You are tired, you’ve been walking for miles, and if you hear your child whine one more time you may blow. I totally get it, but take it from me, it’s not worth the anger and pain. Don’t, just don’t!
  7. Expecting to do everything in one trip: My family and I are annual pass holders and we still have not done EVERYTHING. That is what’s so magical about Walt Disney World, no two trips are alike. So stop stressing, you aren’t going to do everything anyway!
  8. Not planning enough: You have to plan. Long gone are the days that you can drive up to the gates and expect to do “everything”. If you want to eat at a sit down restaurant, you need to plan ahead. If you want to ride the newest ride, you need to plan. It does take time and preparation to go to Disney these days. If you need help planning, feel free to go HERE.
  9. Planning too much: There is such thing as too much planning. Sometimes it does pay off to go with the flow and take it all in. Sometimes the most magical things happen during moments when there was no plan. So, try to set aside some time for exploring and schedule a little bit of down time during your trip. Sometimes it pays to be flexible.
  10. Being naïve and thinking you will not make another person upset, mad or irritable: Okay, I know you are scratching your head over this one. But, it is true! You will make at least one person mad while you are there. Whether it’s your family member or a complete stranger, it WILL happen. Don’t be naive, Disney is full of people. LOTS of people! Different cultures, different stages of life, with kids, without kids, etc., etc. Just expect it, then respect it. Respect each other and learn to embrace the difference and move on. There are too many people complaining about other people in Disney. Get over it and move on! End of story! 😉

So there you have it, 10 ways to TOTALLY ruin your Disney Vacation! Avoid them as much as you can and have a magical vacation!

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Mandi is a wife, Mom of 3, writer, creator of WaltExpress.com, and self-proclaimed Disney nerd. She loves to travel to Disney Destinations and blog about her magical experiences so she can share all the tips, tricks and tidbits she picks up during her travel. She and her family visit Disney World several times a year and she is always in the know when something new is happening and she shares it here first! Mandi also works as an online consultant by empowering women to be all they can be in all aspects of their life. You can find her at www.AmandaMiddleton.me

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